Friday, October 19, 2007

The stress of being fertility-challenged

I came across an article written by Lani Montreal. I don’t really know who she is, but I relate well with her words.

Fertility IS a very personal thing for me too. I can’t help but cry every time I hear of someone pregnant. Don’t get me wrong. I love babies. Every time I see one, I smile… I long to touch them and play with them and sometimes to those I see on the streets, care for them. It’s just saddening to think of others having them while we are having such a hard time to make just one. What bothers me more however, are the way people around us are asking how our baby-making project is going on or they give us unsolicited advice and tons of comfort words which do not really serve its purpose… at least not for me. It gives me more stress to answer them or to smile and nod at them than anything about getting pregnant. It is so stressful that I started to detest going to gatherings especially with relatives or even go to work.

Yes, I am a fertility-challenged woman. It was hard for me to believe it then but I have accepted it now. Buboy and I have been married for more than three years and we’re still trying to make our first baby. We have sought the help of modern medicine, alternative medicine and of course God. We tried everything of what our resources can handle. Yet, our little curly-haired gift has not yet arrived. We have not given up though. We are not giving up. Buboy said we are going to be mom and dad someday, even if it means having to adopt. And that is fine by me. And that should be fine with others too, right? Frankly, I am starting not to care.


Rest in peace Ninang Baby

My Ninang Baby passed away last Monday, October 15, 2007. She was buried today.

Ninang, i know you will finally get the rest you deserve with God.

Dear Lord, please keep my Ninang in your grace along with the others who departed in Your name.


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Being a professional writer

A few months ago, during the start of my long leave, I wrote here that one of things I wanted to do during my hiatus from regular work is to write… anything! Several times I thought I will be able to fulfill this goal. But it wasn’t until last week when I finally got a real chance to write… professionally. Okay, it wasn’t something that pays well, yet I get paid doing it so I call it writing professionally. Please bear with me. Besides, I had to take a really long writing test to be accepted, though only as a probationary writer. The thing that excites me however is the fact that after submitting my first batch of articles, the head editor gave me another batch to work on. I mean, that should say that I did pretty well, right? I’m really glad to be doing this, if only to hone my writing skills. Buboy thinks my writing has really improved. That, coming from someone I look up to when it comes to writing, is really something for me. He’s been very supportive from the start, never doubting my skill. That’s my husband! Maybe someday I’ll even get to write a book, something that I have always dreamed of. There’s no harm in dreaming… and of trying.


Sunday, September 23, 2007

Engagement: a happy occasion

Aside from the films, I haven’t witnessed a wedding proposal before. And it has been four years since Buboy and I got engaged ourselves. Thus I didn’t realize since last night just how beautiful it can be even for the spectators.

My sister Juvie got a marriage proposal from her long time boyfriend Benny during one of the regular meetings of the church group they are both actively involved in. We are not a member of this group. However Benny asked us to be there so we went. My sister was obviously surprised to see us there. But we did well by actually participating in the discussion.

Benny was one of the key speakers for the night and he talked about love finishing it off by going to my sister who was seated among the others and kneeling, presented her with a ring and asked the question “will you be my wife?” Now this happened inside the village chapel making the event serene despite the many cheers and laughter from the group. Juvie was clearly surprised and dumbfounded she turned beet red and was not able to immediately answer. But of course she did say yes after several moments of speechlessness. Well, it has been proven long ago that speechlessness can occur during intense moments such as this so it was not taken negatively by both Benny and the group.

After the meeting and the main event, which apparently was the proposal, the group decided to celebrate a little by dropping by Mc Donald’s Fort for a late dinner and afterwards coffee at UCC next-door. Buboy and I had fun along with everyone else despite the fact that we’re not part of the group and some of them we've only just met. However, I noticed how Juvie was still quite silent for most of the night. But it was evident that it was a happy silence. I bet she’s reenacting in her mind the proposal over and over. Well, she was clearly glowing.

The couple with the witnesses at UCC cafe'

To the newly engaged couple, Juvie and Benny, Buboy and I wish you strength as you share the gift of love and happiness that God has given you. We love you!

- Chebong

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Mama Mary....

Today is September 8... Mama Mary's Birthday.

Happy Birthday Mama... we love you and we thank you for watching over this particular Kurly Couple all this time. We know that you will continue to intercede not only in our behalf, but that of the whole world. We thank you for your continued blessings and prayers for all of us.

With love,

-Buboy & Chebong

Friday, September 7, 2007

Farewell Baldo... We'll miss you...

One of our dogs, Baldo, died this early morning. He was the oldest of our three dogs. Baldo was the alpha dog in the house. He was given to my brother when he was just a puppy and has been with us for ten years. Although he was such a sweet dog (to our family), he was also a loud and extremely territorial dog. Those who don’t know him (heck! even those who know him but see him rarely) are terrified of him.

Baldo’s companion for six years was Basti. He was given to me by Mox when he was also just a puppy. Baldo and Basti, though always together fight a lot… especially when we adopted a female dog. We had to give her up, the two dogs were fighting over her like crazy! But even when the lady dog was gone, they would still fight. We’d see one of them limping and we’d know. It’s like a sport to them somehow. They were always in competition. They compete over food, attention from us; they would even compete in barking to let us know someone is at the gate. We’d always know from their barking though if that someone is a stranger or family.

This morning when Baldo was lying under the table slowly slipping away, Basti stood by him with his head close to Baldo’s as if whispering consoling words, staying there, not leaving. When Baldo finally used up his final breath, Basti nudged his head as if waking him up, not believing that he had already left.

They say fighting among true friends is normal. They also say that dogs make good friends. I now know it’s true. I’ve seen it happen. Baldo and Basti, despite being just dogs know what friendship is. And their friendship goes beyond their fights. I wish all people would experience such friendship.

I have been worrying about Basti for awhile now, with him being quiet and obviously depressed the whole day. But then again, everyone needs time to mourn a lost friend, Basti included.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Pig Named Malou Fernandez

Malou Fernandez is very famous these days. She’s been talk of the town across socioeconomic levels. Too bad she’s not enjoying it, as I’m sure of… because she won’t be able to show her face to the public for awhile. Everyone is calling her a pig… not because she’s overweight… but because she acts like one. I think people can forgive her for acting like a diva and for being one hell of a social climbing elitist… but for being degrading of others is another story.

She not only insulted the OFWs in her article “From Boracay to Greece”, she’s also defended herself by calling those who spoke up against her writings humorless illiterate.

No one can blame the people who have responded with curses and bad words that attacked her personally. She deserves it. She’s not even sincere in her (sarcastic) apology. I don’t think she even understands why a lot of people hate her guts. She has irked the Filipino people, not for being a cheap brand-dropping bitch, but for being an insensitive brat who thinks so highly of herself and so lowly of others, especially of the hardworking OFWs. The worst part is... she’s also a Filipino.

Originally, I don’t want to give her a space in this blog. But heck, maybe she deserves some after all… if only for uniting the Filipinos into showing our support to the OFWs.


Sunday, August 12, 2007

"VINDICATION" is a dish best served... GOLD!

Ey-Yo... Eh-Eh-Eyo...... Ey-Yo... Eh-Eh-Eyo!!!!
*uhrrmmmm*... Sorry 'bout that, let me compose myself a little... *whew!* okay, I think I got it under control now... lemme' see, where was I? oh yeah....

Yesterday was the start of the second round eliminations in the current season of UAAP basketball. Chebong and I were invited by our good friend Mox to watch the pride of our beloved Alma-Mater, University of Santo Tomas' Growling Tigers go up against the Green Archers of De La Salle University. I was excited at the idea of getting to watch live college ball again. It's been a little less than 10 years since I got to go to one of these things live and "a-little-bit-psyched-up" would be a pretty weak description of what I was feeling one week prior to game-time.

Admittedly, it was pretty weird getting back into the whole "school spirit" thing. I remember back in college when my buddies and I used to go to these things. One can't help but reminice on the things that made it all one heck of a fun ride: the cheers the chants, the jeers, the cheerleaders... (oh yeaaah...cheeeerleaders... heh heh heh). Going through the motions of it all after a long period of inactivity made for some pretty awkward moments at first.

We got ourselves upper-box tickets with seats located roughly at the center-area that got us a pretty good view of the courtside action. We did'nt get to actually sit at our designated seats (nobody at these things does anyway) and ended up taking spots along one of the center aisles. Being among mostly college kids was a little bit awkward at first, especially when the cheering and chanting started and one tiny bit of realization set in... we did'nt know any of the chants they were doing!

It was embarassing...

Well, like the bright campers that we prided ourselves to be... we got the hang of the new chants eventually as the game progressed, thereby managing to look a little less silly during the rest of the event.

The game itself did'nt change with the passing of years. The same adrenalin rush of watching cagers from both Universities trying to out-do each other was still the main reason school spirit is always at an all-time high during UAAP season.

tiger cub at the game... yep... we start 'em off young...

This particular game was no exception. Coming from a 17 game losing streak that started way back in 1999 against DLSU, the UST Growling Tigers have been itching for some payback for quite some time now. The first half of the game was pretty depressing on our part since UST was putting in a pretty horrible game... too many missed shots and too many turn-overs got me to thinking that maybe us watching the game live turned out to be bad luck for our home team.

Luckily for us, after the half-time break, (and after probably a helluva lot of ass-whupping in the locker rooms by UST Head Coach Pido Jarencio...) the Tigers came out strong and were giving the Archers a run for their money!

until the 4rth quarter that is...

It all happened so fast... yet so agonizingly slow (don't ask... I cant figure that one out myself), but regardless of the increased offensive and defensive strategies of UST, the Archers managed to put an impressive 12 point lead with 1:57 remaining in the game. This was it... "payback's gone down the drain"--- I thought to myself: "If some sort of miracle is gonna happen... it had better happen soon!"... and from the looks of the kids around us, I'd gather they were'nt thinking much different.

I dont know if the big Guy upstairs heard me and all the other Tiger fans silently praying to the high heavens for help... but something happened... It wasnt that noticeable at first (considering the large lead already attained by DLSU) but the Tigers were ACTUALLY fighting back!!! Like it's striped namesake, the UST cagers silently and ferociously fought their way out of the corner that DLSU ushered them into. Every steal, jumpshot, three-pointer and free throw went in like clock-work closing the 12 point gap and sending the game into heart-stopping overtime!

I'm not sure what fueled the Tigers during that fantastic run... or what was going through their minds as the clock was slowly counting down to oblivion. What was clearly evident to all the fans that night was how much their hearts were into the game. This game was a testament to fighters who wouldnt back down to insurmountable odds, to improbable heroes and impossible victories... an underdog story? Not hardly...

It's the Growling Tiger story.

UST beat DLSU in overtime last August 11, 2007. Managing an 8 point lead with a final score of 81 to 73 against the dazed Green Archers... the Tigers have finally gotten their payback.

Viva USTe!

Tigers Ruuuuuule!!!!!!

- Buboy

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Back to the dungeon next week

Starting next week I will be reporting back to work every Monday. I thought going to the office once a week will be a welcome break from being home everyday (and supposedly being bored) but right now it’s not what I’m feeling. Right now I’m dreading the day that I need to go back to work. I don’t know why. Must be because I learned that Jane, my assistant, is 4 weeks pregnant when she’s only been married for one month. Perhaps because of the incident that happened (non-signing of contract of new employee) before I went on leave. Or maybe I just really got tired of working. I still do not know.

So what have I accomplished for the past 3 weeks? Well, I finished the 1st season of Grey’s Anatomy; read Inca Gold by Clive Cussler, The Villa by Nora Roberts, and Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Prachett. I have cleaned and partly organized our rooms and I started going to Baclaran. Currently I’m reading One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Oh, and I’ve been accompanying my mother-in-law to her medical check-ups and stuff. I guess I have been busy somehow... Yeah right, I am still trying to convince myself.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Missed friends are not lost friends

Last weekend I got to talk to one my best friends from grade school via YM. Although I have a pc with internet access at work, a broadband in Pasig and vibe in Las Piñas (this is not too long ago until the pldt line got corrupted around our area in Las Piñas and any dial-up can’t sustain a connection for more than a minute!), I did not install YM because I’m not much into chatting. Last Saturday Buboy had to install it in Pasig because I was waiting for a message from someone who broke my heart (she made me think that she’ll get me to write articles for her, the b*tch!). But then maybe her only role in my life is to link me with my old friend. Well, the moment I was logged in, there was Doc Lani! I missed this girl sooo much! It has been years since we saw each other last because she went to the US. I can’t wait till I talk (or make that chat until I buy a headset and cam for our pc) to her again and make up for all the years that passed. There definitely are a lot of updates to make :o)


Monday, July 9, 2007

Liberation day

Today is my grand liberation day! The first day of my long vacation. I know I will have to get back to work every Monday starting next month, but at least I have 3 full weeks for myself. If only Buboy can join me. Hopefully he’ll be able to take a long leave by October too.

So how did I spend my first non-working day? I washed our undies, I prepared our things for Las Piñas (we’re going home there tonight), and prepared Buboy’s reimbursement receipts. I know it’s not much, but I’m supposed to be on vacation, remember?

Actually, a lot of “things to do” are waiting for me in Las Piñas. I plan to start with our closet and I’m sure it’ll take me to a lot more things to do. But I don’t have to hurry and push myself, I can take my time and choose what I want to do first… like maybe write :o)

Life, right now is sweet…


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Boys Night Out

For months now, Buboy has been a happy and satisfied listener of Boy’s Night Out, a night-time show of the radio station Magic 89.9 FM. The show is hosted by three male DJs who talk about randomly selected (boys') topic each night. Of course, they also encourage listeners to join in the discussion/kulitan. I admit I also enjoyed listening to them because I get a feel of how boys think and because I love seeing how Buboy react to the discussions. I swear there were times Buboy would burst out with loud laughter or join in the discussion by voicing his opinion or side of the story to me. And I love how Brando Braganza say “sexy time” with his deep sexy voice. There are even times I want to hear Buboy say it to me too… in the same deep sexy voice of course. *kilig*

Listening to the three grown-up boys, tony-tony, slick rick and king dj logan, has been a nightly habit for us. We listen to them as we drive home from the office. Yesterday, Buboy told me that king dj logan left the station (and the show) for another FM station. Everyone was surprised, including the two other hosts of the show. Logan’s absence was noticeably sad (?) as he was the ring leader of the boys. He has the strongest personality and his co-host and listeners alike responds to his jokes and teasing so well. Last night was the first time the show seems dull. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because tony-tony and slick rick are not competent hosts. They are a couple of intelligent djs but something is missing…

I hope they get a new ring-master to save the show. And I hope they get one soon. I miss “sexy time” already.


Thursday, June 7, 2007


Flixster is a site for movie fans. It’s a fun site where one can read the latest movie news and gossips, learn about new releases, take or create movie quizzes, watch videos, browse or upload pictures of different actors or review movies. That is aside from being a place where one can chat with people with the same interest. Click here to take a peek of the site.

I got invited to flixster by a friend. Honestly, I joined so that I can invite Buboy who is a real fanboy of movies and comics. I wanted him to have a place where he can express his ideas, meet people with the same interest as his and be creative. Buboy joined flixster more than 8 months ago but he didn’t get active until about after 5 months from signing up. And now he’s the one reminding to me visit my account! *sigh*

I really want to write a movie or book review someday so I’m holding on to my flixster account and maybe start by writing comments on the hundreds of movies listed there. But right now, I am content using it to communicate with Buboy (chatting) and in getting to know more about him through the insights he shares in the site. *wink*


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Resignation... put on hold

Well, I approached my boss, the President, to formally tender my resignation on Friday, May 25. He did not approve my resignation. He instead offered to allow me to go on a long vacation just so I’d stay. I tried to explain that I don’t want to inconvenience the company of my long absence but he insisted that if my only reason is my fertility treatment (which is what I said in my resignation letter), he is willing to accommodate my need to rest by allowing me to go on leave. Frankly, I’d rather resign but that thoughtful gesture from my boss, the President nonetheless, made me feel valued and trusted in the company. It also made it embarrassing for me to push my resignation. I just had to reconsider.

I discussed it with Buboy and he understood my situation. So it was agreed that I’ll be filing my leave for 7 months, 3 months of which (July, December & January), I’ll not report for work and 4 month (August, September, October & November) I’ll report only once a week. The reason for the once a week reporting is because my Nexus assistant will be going on maternity leave around that time.

All our previous plans will push through though. I’ll still have time for them as my work schedule is reduced dramatically anyway. Besides, I have confidence in my two HR staff that they won’t need much intervention from me during my long leave.

I take this as one of God’s blessing. At least I know that there’s still something waiting for me when things don’t go well. Now, not that I know things are not going to be well as I’m willing to work hard on it so just it’ll succeed, but since this is a first time venture into business for me, one can never really be that sure.

I still need to submit to my boss the proposal as to how the HR department will manage without me. That is still what I am working on. Should he not approve my proposal, I guess it’s a sign that I really should go. Let God’s will be done.


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Resignation coming...

Today I will inform the head of Admin and Finance that I am resigning… and tomorrow I will formally tender my resignation letter to my boss, the President. I have already discussed my resignation to my two staff and I’m touched to see that they were sad about my leaving.

Although it’s still 5 weeks before my resignation takes effect, I can’t help but think about the things that I need and want to do once I’m free. Of course there’s the business that we’re starting, but since we will hire someone to man the booth, Mox and I have time for other activities. And those activities are already waiting for me. Here they are:

- clean our rooms (LP and Pasig) and organize our things
- read books we have that I haven’t read
- write… anything…
- organize our pictures
- start a scrapbook
- learn something new, a craft perhaps
- finish my cross stitch
- renew my driver’s license
- apply for a passport

I know lots of other things will come up. But with this list alone, I know I won’t have time to be bored for awhile. And that is a good thing, right Buboy? :0)


Thursday, May 17, 2007

How lucky can a girl be?

For several days now I have been reminiscing old times with my girlfriends. Maybe it’s the weather that is making me miss them quite a bit… I have been fondly looking back at nights spent hanging out at UP Diliman, or playing pictionary in Tagaytay, or the indoor deep talks about life and whatnot, or club hopping for bands and music, or planning surprises, or out-of-town gimmicks, or crazy laughing spree, or simply eating out… Moments spent with my girlfriends.

I have lots of girlfriends. There’s a couple from HS, a bunch from college, and dozens from work. And these I got are the best. And I don’t mean because we never disagree or even fight, because we do. There are times my best buddy from HS and I would not speak to each other for months (because we disagreed/fought about something silly) but when one of us needs help or comforting, we’d run like hell to be there. And friends are great with surprises too. My college girlfriends are very good at planning surprises (but not as good in keeping the ideas until the event though) complete with themes and props, you’d think we're professional party planners. And who says those friends you meet at work are not for keeps? I have a lot of friends I met from the many jobs I had, including volunteer work. And though we don’t regularly communicate, whenever we get a chance to get together, we just know that time has not altered our friendship.

Girlfriends since childhood

aellek then and now

halo-halong girlfriends

You know you have great girlfriends when it's no longer embarrassing or scary to let out your bad side in front of them. That’s how my girlfriends and I are. And although regularly keeping in touch may be a bit harder now (with the different lives we’re living) there is a sense of security and comfort that comes with the memories that say our friendship will stay forever, and that whenever I feel down or up or anything in between, my girlfriends will always be there to share my moments.

It’s true what they say, girlfriends are the best. And I’m lucky I’ve never been short of them all my life. And the best part (yup, there's still a best part) is that my girlfriends are also friends with Buboy that I never had a hard time spending time with them with him. How did i get so lucky!!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Between a “Rock” and a Hot Place….

On May 1, 2007 for Mox’s bday (advanced celebration), we took her to historic Corregidor where we had a crash course in history while having fun playing print ad models and photographers.

Da Higop Gang Strikes Again!

Corregidor, known as “The Rock”, is a small rocky island in the Philippines strategically located at the entrance of Manila Bay. It was a key bastion of the allies during WWII. Corregidor was the headquarters of the Allied forces and also the seat of the Philippine Commonwealth government during that time. This island fortress stands as a memorial for the courage, valor, and heroism of the Filipino and American soldiers who bravely fought against the invading Japanese forces during World War II.

they say that Corregidor Island is shaped like a stingray... but does'nt it look more like a sperm...err...tadpole?

Our day started at CCP where we boarded a ferry that would take us to Corregidor. We toured the island via “tramvias” (buses made to look like the old trams used in the island during the war) with candid tour guides narrating stories, anecdotes and historical facts along the way. We were shown the geographic sectors of the island which includes Topside, Middleside, Bottomside and Tail end. And visited the island’s landmarks such as the Mile-long Barracks, old Spanish Lighthouse, Pacific War Memorial, Eternal Flame of Freedom,Filipino-American Friendship Park, Filipino Heroes Memorial, Malinta Tunnel (with a 30-minute audio and visual presentation on WWII), and not to mention numerous gun placements and ruins all around the island.

Tramvia Trippin'

We speak softly.... but we carry “BIIIIG” guns!

Paying homage to the brave souls at the Heroes Memorial

Re-enactment of the death the Eternal Flame of Friendship... huh???

"Hi Ho... Hi Ho... It's off to work we go..."

Indiana Jones aint got nuthin on us!!!

The Pacific War Museum... can you guess which ones are on display?

The Lighthouse... The Altar of Heroes... and two “reeeally” weird girls...

Ahhh... the beautiful scenery...too bad these guys are always in the pics...

Although it was sooo hot that day and all the information and facts that we’re getting may be too much to handle at times (as it has been years since we last read our history books), we can’t help but be fascinated and awed by the story being told both by the ruins and the newer memorials built in Corregidor. Truly, this island not only teaches lessons from the past but it also give us a glimpse of the sacrifices and heroism of the Filipino and American soldiers alike.

Fine weather we're having....“nooooot!

We think every Filipino should include visiting this historical island in their personal to do/to go to list.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

3rd Year Anniversary

A week ago Mox asked Buboy how he proposed to me as she has no idea. Well, there weren’t any romantic setting, no ring either. But to me, it was the start of something I know will last forever. Here’s how it goes... After years of fighting, Buboy and I finally broke up on June 10, 2003. It wasn’t a good break-up, by the way, it was a bit messy. By early July of the same year, we were both convinced that we will not be getting back together again. We talked over the phone the night of July 7th and by early morning of the following day, we were both crying, trying to make up. Then he told me “love, ayaw ko ng mawala ka. Mag-sama na tayo”. Of course I said yes. In my mind I was thinking that he is asking that we live together. Months after that, we both transferred jobs and started planning and saving for the wedding.

It may not sound much to others, but for me, that was really the start of our life together. It was then that we realized how much we mean to each other, how we touch each other’s life, how we compliment each other, how much we are willing to do and to give for each other, how lovely life would be with each other, that we belong with each other...

Today we celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary. We have nothing special planned for tonight but we have managed to make almost everyday of our 3 years together special in so many ways that no fine restaurant or big bouquet of flowers or tons of chocolates can sum up those years. And the best thing is that we still have the rest of our lives to make special.

Buboy and I after our wedding ceremony

Buboy and I three years after our wedding


Saturday, April 28, 2007


28 April 2007, 11:43 PM

weng, mox, benny, juvie, chebong & buboy (aka "Da Higop Gang")

Chebong and Buboy recently got back from their yearly White Beach, Puerto Galera jaunt where they spent 3 days and 2 nights kicking up their heels with friends and family. Located in Mindoro Oriental, Philippines, the name “Puerto Galera” literally means “Port of Galleons” originating from the fact that the numerous coastlines of the area have provided traders and sailors shelter from the rough seas for centuries. These days however, Puerto Galera is one of the premier tourist spots in the country famous for its beautiful corals (hence the influx of scuba diving aficionados from all over the world), the white sandy beaches, and of course, the world renowned Filipino Hospitality. Let’s have a chat with the Kurly Couple and get the lowdown on their latest adventure.

You’ve both been to White Beach several times already right? Obviously you haven’t gotten tired of coming back to the place every year, what’s changed from the first time you’ve been there?

Chebong (C): More people seem to be going there now than 3 to 5 years ago. The place is slowly getting crowded.

Buboy (B): Yup! White Beach is getting even more congested with every passing year, I mean some resorts there even have three-storey residences!

(C): And most of the girls (whatever their size is) are wearing 2-piece swimsuits. Too bad for me, I should have done it when I still can.

(B): Aww… that’s not true luv… you can still wear ‘em 2-piece suits for me *wink* *wink*

What do you do to prepare? Meaning, what do you bring with you? How much cash should you have on you for the trip? That kind of stuff….

(C): My friend said I pack like a wife now. Anyway, We packed the usual… undies, sleep wear, night wear (for those late night drinking sprees), swim wear, slippers… but I see to it we pack everything with extras… 2-3 pcs extra undies, 2-3 pcs extra shirts, etc. This year we also brought a toiletry hanging basket for the shampoo, conditioner, soap, feminine wash, lotion, shaver, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc. I made sure we bring our vitamins and other meds for emergency such as biogesic, decolgen, kemil-S, etc. And of course we brought hangers and clothes pins/clips. Food… we always bring at least 5 liters of water. This year we had canned juice and coke, we had dozens of milo, coffee, nesvita and litro juice sachets, we had salted eggs, biscuits and snacks!

(B): Understandably, the rates keep getting higher every year, especially when you go there from Friday to Sunday, the room rates skyrocket by about a thousand bucks! We ended up paying P3000 a night for a room that could fit 6 people, so that would be….P6000 for a 2 night stay. We consider the cost of round-trip bus and ferry rides; lunch & dinner for the 2-day stay…we probably ended up shelling out around P3500 per person in a group of 6. That still leaves you with enough dough for snorkeling, banana boat rides, booze and a few souvenirs!

What’s the most memorable experience you had there?

(C): Buboy and I weren’t married yet when we first went to Galera. It was for my birthday. We had been fighting days before and I was prepared to break up with him there. But instead of breaking up, we made up. And during our first night there, we were laying on the beach, watching the stars, I realized I really love Buboy and I am not going to let go of what we have… Years after, we went there again for our honeymoon. And I remembered the first time we came there… I was glad I didn’t let go…

(B): Aaaawww maaaaannnn!!!! Now, how can I possibly top that kind of an answer…Cmere and lemme give ya a hug! But seriously, what Chebong said was right on the money… and one thing that keeps me coming back to the place must be the fantastic sunsets there. There’s really nothing like seeing that blazing red-orange sun going down on the vast ocean blue…. Really takes your breath away!

Did you do anything new this year?

(C): Yup! We had a banana boat (but I swear it was shaped like a pencil) ride. Though we requested no “taob” because most of us don’t know how to swim and we’re (at least I am) mightily afraid of being thrown in the middle of the sea, even with a life vest on.

(B): We also had special henna tattoos made. These were extra special beeecause…. I designed em’ myself! Yup! Check-em out, we had our names tattooed as ambigrams (they read the same way once you flip em over!). Henna artists on the beach actually do ambigrams themselves but they were really surprised that we made ours without any help.

If you manage to return to White Beach next year, is there anything in particular you would want to try that you haven’t done before?

(C): Yes. I hope to be able to ride the banana boat with “taob” next time and maybe go hiking. We’ve been going there for years and we haven’t seen the tamaraw falls yet… heck, not even a live tamaraw. Maybe next time we can afford to stay there longer, like 5-7 days perhaps.

(B): That would really be awesome… one week of sun and sea… maybe we could even have time to try out jet-skiing this time.

So there you go folks, seems like the kurly couple will definitely be having more adventures in the months to come. Let’s wait and see where they turn up next! Till then…Keep on Kurlin’!!!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Beers Anyone?


It’s scorching-hot today at the office. It’s the kind of heat that comes at you from all directions, like being wrapped from head to toe in a warm blanket while being cooked in an oven that’s set all the way up to “high”.

“Is the air-conditioning working?” you ask yourself. All it seems to be doing is pumping in the hot air from outside of the room. *Whew* you try to cool down… you drink-in water by the bucket loads, (and yes… its warm. Nothing’s cold enough on a day like this) and drinking really doesn’t help. All you accomplish is to get your bladder filled up faster and piss every fifteen minutes.
Even being in the comfort room is hard labor, by the time you get out; you’re already soaked in sweat and feeling even more thirsty than when you first went in (Damn!... Now you have to go get a drink again!). You go back to your chair. You lay your head back and gently rub your temples… now you’ve got a headache…. “perfect… just perfect” you think to yourself.

You close your eyes and try to think of things to get your mind off the heat. Beers come to mind… ice-cold beers…. now that’s what you really need right now. You see yourself pressing that San-Mig Lite against your cheek, feeling the refreshing cold trickle down your face as the ice melts on the bottle. You take a swig and stretch out…. You’re not in the office anymore…. You’re on the beach, beneath a shady palm tree. Twilight is coming; right about the time when the first cool breeze comes in from the sea. The red-orange sun shimmers against the water. The waves call you out with each gentle crash against the sandy shore. You plunge into the water. You dive, deep… deeper… feeling as much a part of the grand marine life with every stroke and kick you make. You bask in the majesty of the ocean depths for a moment… or a lifetime… you can’t tell the difference anymore… then you go back up, breathing in sweet salty fresh air as you break the surface. You come back to the shore and lie down on the soft sand just in time to see the stars come out one by one on the darkening sky… like small lights being turned on by the gods. You reach for another beer. As you take another icy cold swig, you close your eyes and take in the sounds of the newborn night… the soft breath of the evening air as it breezes across your face… the harmonious chirp-chirping of crickets as they welcome the night in song… the gentle crash of the waves as they end their journey on the sandy beach thump… thump… thump… thump… … the… hey wait a minute, that didn’t sound like any wave I’ve heard before. thump… thump… thump… thump… what is that? Puzzled by this mystery of the night, you open your eyes….

…. right in time to see a man-mountain that you usually call your boss glaring down on your pathetic just-woke-up-face while he’s drumming his fingers on your desk: thump… thump… thump… thump…

“….what the f*ck are you doing? It’s already half past one in the afternoon! Wake the hell up and get your lazy-a$$ back to work!!!!”



Chebong and I are going to the beach this friday…. Here’s to a cool weekend of sun, surf and beers!!!!


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What??? Vacation's Over????

The Holy Week Holidays are over too soon and I’m back at the office for more work-related nonsense….*sigh*. I guess that’s how it really is, once you get a few days of bumming around… you usually cringe at the idea of going back to the slave pit that we normally call “the Office”.

Well, at least Chebong and I got to enjoy the long weekend with our yearly “Visita Iglesia”. We usually do a round of 14 churches and pray at one Station Of the Cross for each church. It’s not the traditional way to do the visita iglesia but this way we can have a little sight-seeing trip at the same time. It really is pretty cool to visit churches during the Lenten Season.

hmmm... who are those smiling guys out back?

In a related note, one of the churches that we visited was UST. And my first reaction would have to be: UST ROCKS!!!! The place looked GREAT! Being a Thomasian ten-years-gone really hit me when we got inside the campus. It was like being in another country seeing all the improvements that they made to the place. The most eye-catching thing about the place would have to be the upgrading of the grounds around the Main Building and the Library. Chebong and I plan to go back there one evening to see what it looks like at night. Some friends told us that the fountain out back is spectacular in the evenings.

Return to the one and only "oLD SchOOl"!

Kurly couple Kurl up together...aaawwwww...isn't that sweeeeet!


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

waffle weekend

I have been wanting to write what Buboy and i did on my bday and the waffle-cooking trial we did last sunday but i got so busy. Anyway, here it is...

My birthday
Buboy picked me up before 3:00pm and we went to Market!Market! We ate dinner at Giligan's and bought bday cupcakes from sonja's cupcake at serendra. Before going home we dropped by bookworm to browse. I started reading the orange girl by jostein gaarder and Buboy bought it for me as a present. Then we went home. It wasn't much when you read it like that but it was really a wonderful day for me. I mean being able to cut work and slip away with my hubby:0)

orange girl & me ;0)

Well, it's a waffle feast because we cooked so much waffle we weren't able to finish them all:) It was really a bit crazy. Mox, Buboy and I met at galleria to buy the stuff we need then we went to Mox's place to do our thing. We tried (i think) 5 recipes including the control (ready-mix pancake, i forgot the brand). It was sooo hot and the kitchen sink cannot be used so we had to wash the dirty dishes and stuff either outside or in the bath. But i think that was a pretty successful activity. We learned the trick to make the waffle full and not hollow inside and we discovered that we'll need a squeezer so it wont be messy, among other things. We identified a recipe that we all liked and we know we can modify to perfection:0) We will be meeting again next week for the second run of the waffle-cooking trial.

our first waffles!! yum,yum!!


Thursday, March 22, 2007

it's my birthday!

Yep, today is my birthday. This is my 3rd birthday here at JSI and i managed to keep it a secret until my lady boss from the other company learned about it. Oh well, it'll be my last bday here anyway.

Last night we slept past midnight and my hubby showered me with birthday kisses before we sleep and again this morning before he leave for work. I slept soundly last night that i woke up late! Good thing i was able to catch the ride from bf resort. When i got here at the office, i saw a big green bouquet of flowers and a small figaro chocolate cake. It's from Jane. I'm touched. She always gives me flowers on my bday.

I was receiving sms bday greetings since this morning, but i got bothered by a message from an old friend whose eldest sister died recently. He said they still have an outstanding hospital accountability of more than half a million and he's asking for help. I wanted to help and i said so to my husband and he agreed. It'll be like my bday gift to myself, help a friend in need. Besides, knowing this friend, he has not hesitated to give help to his friends in need also. But we can only give a small amount.. plus prayers. I hope it will be able to comfort them through this.

Buboy will be picking me up early today. I still don't know what we will do. I don't even know if he has a plan. With or without a plan, i know i'll be happy with just being with him today early.. and i have been counting the minutes since i woke up too:0)


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

baby to complete me? nah!

My cycle has been (as usual) erratic, two cycles after we quit the fertility workout. On the 25th day of my latest cycle, i had a very light bleeding. Both my husband and i were surprised because my cycle has always been not less than 30 days and this was too short since the last. This light bleeding has been going on for six days now. From my previous research (and God knows i did a lot of research) on pregnancy, one of the symptom may be light bleeding or what is called implantation bleeding. Me, being me who is so very much still hoping that i'd get pregnant really soon, has been playing with the idea that i might be pregnant. I haven't told this to anyone, not even Buboy. I plan to have a pregnancy test tomorrow, my birthday.

Then i received a call from my insurance agent. She is a very nice lady. We updated each other, she telling me that he annulment has just been approved by her church (she's christian) and me telling her that i'm not yet pregnant. Then she told me that i should not be obsessed with being a mother. That i am a whole person on my own and i don't need a baby to complete me. Makes me think... is that the reason why i want a baby? to complete me? I don't think so. But then again, it gave me something to ponder on.

Oh and by the way, after that talk i went to the rest room for the pregnancy test. The result (as usual) was negative.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

nice to feel warm

My husband was the sweetest last night.

We got home a bit early last night, before 9:00pm. And Buboy said "let's not watch a movie (vcd/dvd) tonight, i'll just read to you." He's been reading the book stardust of neil gaiman to me for a few nights now. He reads a chapter or two a night before we go to sleep. Last night he read three or four chapters. In the middle of his reading, he stopped and said "ito ang pinakamasaya sa araw ko" then he kissed me and went back to reading the book. I was really moved.

And today, i was going through the blog of my best friend and found several posts she wrote about me. I am so touched.

Wala lang... i feel warm inside and i want to remember how this feels always :0)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

nostalgic cubao

Yesterday my husband and i went to cubao buy a pair of boots for Buboy or have one made if we can't find any. I know shops in marikina shoe expo accepts made to order shoes so we set up a schedule to go there. We did found a shop (solimman) for boots and they accept made to order. The man in the shop said if there's a particular style we want copied, we have to leave them. Only, Buboy is wearing the boots he wants to be copied so we'll just have to go back some other time. I'm not initially into the pair of boots my husband obviously love, but it was the shoes he wore on our wedding day so it has become special for me too.

The place, marikina shoe expo, has a kinda nostalgic feel. It doesn't have a lot of shoe shops anymore like i bet it used to. In fact a lot of the spaces are closed down or under renovation. Shoe shops have been replaced by thrift shop, book shops specializing in old books and memorabilia, coffee shops, art and exhibit studio and antique shops. It was fun going through the shops, looking at vintage items, books, arts and the sorts. I noted to Buboy that life seems slow there. It's like being in another time or place, not cubao in 2007. But it felt nice.

At the back of the square inside marikina shoe expo is an old italian restaurant. I noticed it before when i had my wedding shoes made from one of the shoe shops there. I didn't pay attention then. But my husband who is an italian food lover wanted to try their food. And so we did, for dinner last night.

We were surprised to find out that Bellini's, the italian restaurant inside marikina shoe expo, is a fine dining restaurant. Well, a bit rugged type actually because they have a solo folk singer who wear a mullet hair, long sleeves t-shirt and a pair of jeans who sings filipino and italian folk songs. Anyway, the waiters are friendly and efficient and the place was packed. We noticed an old italian guy busily attending to customers, clearing tables or just checking if there's anything else the diners needed. He was friendly too. We were seated behind a wall full of framed pictures (old and new) and newspaper clippings. Looking at the pictures we realized that the italian guy was in those pictures or he took them. He was a paparazzi in his younger years. Buboy noted that he must have lead a very exciting life and i said it must be interesting to talk to him and listen to the stories he has to tell. And since we didn't get to have gelato for desert (supplier was out in cebu), Buboy said we'll definitely have to go back;o)

These things Buboy and i do together (which is basically try out new places to eat, watch movies, buy books, comics and videos) are the things i'll definitely miss when i resign. I know we'll not have much money for these activities anymore when he's the only one earning a regular income. But i also know that we'll find other ways to keep us busy:) and other interest to pursue. Sometimes we need to boldly welcome change to discover other opportunities, and i'm hoping this is one of them.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

pop! goes my heart

It's been more than a week since i posted here. I want to believe that a lot has happened to me since then... but i'm afraid my life isn't that exciting ;o)

Right now i'm listening to the soundtrack of music and lyrics via my ipod. I love every song in that movie.. and i love the movie too. Actually i adore drew. I love all her movies since she came back sober (i hope!). And hugh grant is just adorable:) Anyway, we've watched not just music and lyrics the past week but 300 as well. That movie is also great though of course no one here in the office can appreciate that kind of film.

It's getting harder and harder to work now.. It's hard to wake up knowing i'll be going to the office and upon arriving i find it hard to concentrate on the things i need to do. For several days now all the work i did were the daily issues that were sent to me. I have a list of things i should be doing but i just can't seem to get the energy to do it anymore. I know i will be cramming to finish all of them though. sigh.

But i'm really getting more and more in love with the idea of starting and managing a business. pop! goes my heart!! I just can't wait!

Well, putting up a business is not Buboy and i's only plan.. See, whenever we go to a mall the first thing that we'll look for is a bookstore and a video shop. We love movies as much as books. And we have a list of old movies that we want to have copies of. Unfortunately we haven't have the luck to find some of it like dogma and clerks among others. And i just got an idea of putting up a specialty video shop of hard-to-find movies, including indie and alternative films, classic and comtemporary. I told Armand we can have the video shop side-by-side his comic shop. It's not gonna be a shop that we expect to earn, it'll just be like a hobby shop for us where we can spend our retirement years:)

Haay... sarap mangarap!


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

pursuing self-employment

I've been having a hard time focusing on work lately. I guess the 2-year tenure (i never last more than 2 years in a company/job) that i thought i've beaten with Jupiter (i'm currently on my 3 year and 5 months) is finally catching up on me. And i need to get out really soon or i'll lose my mind... not that it's not yet happening:) Buboy is supportive of this. He even said i could resign immediately if i want to. But of course i don't want to just dump him the burden of our financial responsibilities... with the lot and my insurance we're paying among other things. So i made up my mind of resigning by middle of June, effective middle of July, instead of immediately. This should give us sometime to save some more and prepare for our plan.

Buboy and i came up with the idea of starting a small business, foodcart, which i will work on. Who knows, maybe it'll work out. He too doesn't want to work for someone else all his life so we need to start thinking and working on alternatives. Though what he wants is a comic book shop, which is totally different from a foodcart business, we know we'll learn a lot of things through this experience.

I've spoken with Mox, my bestfriend, to ask her if she wants to partner with me. You see though i'm quite confident, i'm kinda scared to do this alone. Of course i know Buboy will always be supportive, but i have to let him work sometimes:) Good thing my friend agreed to work with me. I know i will push through this even if Mox will not join me, but her presence gives me a powerful sense of confidence. I am really excited and i know this venture would work out well for both of us.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

opening door to new adventures

Several days ago my husband laid out an option that he wants me to think about... going abroad. I readily answered him that i will go with him wherever he wants to go, i just want us together. He said i ought to think about it first before i give a definite answer. He pointed out that there are a lot of things i have to consider like my family, especially now that tatay is not getting better.

I have been thinking about it. And with my declining interest in my current job, i am seriously considering it. Though of course Buboy is correct, i should consider other things that we will leave behind, not only my work.

Some of the reasons why i hesitate to move are:

1. i am afraid of being away from our family especially with the health status of both of our parents, the emotional stability of my brother, the fact that mama & papa will be left alone, and the overall support (emotional, presence, financial sometimes, etc.) that we give our families

2. i am not certain of what will happen to us there (wherever it may be) and it somehow scares me; i am not sure if i will be successful somewhere else

3. i want to hold onto the dreams we started for here, the lot we're paying, the house we'll build, etc.

4. i am scared to live without household help (yes, this one is too shallow even for me).

But just knowing that Buboy will be beside me is a very big reassurance already. I mean, we've been through a lot since we got together and i know that we will be able to pass through anything together. He is my source of strength and i hope i am able to do the same for him.

So am i ready? I don't think i'll ever be completely ready. But given a chance, i will take on the opportunity of taking on a new adventure, in a new place with my Buboy. Afterall, life is all about change, and since i want to live my life, i should be ready to embrace change. I am sure we'll make it wharever God places us... together.


Monday, February 26, 2007

fragile things and fantasies

At last! I have a copy of the latest book of neil gaiman - fragile things. It's actually a collection of short stories and poems. We got it from NB Bestseller. We found this new store at galeria when we were strolling after 2 movies (number 23 and ghost rider) last Saturday. We noticed a new, and bright book store which happens to be owned by National Bookstore too. Funny how Buboy and i get excited everytime we discover a new bookstore:)

After all the fuss, i was not disappointed. I like how neil tells his stories. It's like bedtime stories being told directly to me. In his introduction, which is rather long because he introduced every story and poem in the book, there was something that touched me: "...the peculiarity of most things we think of as fragile is how tough they truly are... even dreams, the most delicate and intangible of things can prove remarkably difficult to kill." I believe this to be true. It's hard to let go of a dream because when one of our dreams die, part of us die with it.

We were also able to buy a vcd of mirror mask, also written by gaiman which was made into a movie by the jim henson company. It's actually a children's story, i.e. for kids and kids in us:) It's good to watch fantasies now and then. It brings back the imaginative side in me which I'm afraid is slowly dying.


Thursday, February 22, 2007

baby blues and loving husband

Last night while fooling around with my husband (we seem to have gotten into this weird habit of fooling around, tickling each other before we go to sleep), i got to appreciate (again) that what we have is a pretty good married life... And that we are happy most of the time when not pressured to have a baby. I think that if i am younger, i would not be too worried about being married for almost three years and still no baby . I think that the pressure mostly come from the fact that i'm almost in my mid-30's and i have pcos.

Sometimes i get to thinking that if we got married earlier, i would not be this pressured because we'd get more time. But then again, having a baby is not anyone's decision, it's God's. Besides, if we got married earlier than we did, i don't think we'll be as strong now.

Whether God will give us a baby (actually i was hoping HE'll give us four) or not, i am thankful that HE gave me my husband. Like what my good friend said " least you know Buboy really loves you for the woman that you are, not because of what possibilities you can give him... that may not seem enough sometimes, but not every married woman can claim that."


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

ash wednesday and bookworm

Today is Ash Wednesday so we went out to celebrate the mass during lunch time. We had ashes, from the burned palaspas, put on our foreheads in a cross sign. This symbolizes that we are mortal and that we came from ash and will go back to ash. I hope Buboy and i will be able to be closer to God during this lenten season.

On another topic:
Buboy and i went to fort last night and we came upon Bookworm (a different bookstore) a small specialty bookshop. We inquired about good omens and fragile things, books by neil gaiman which i was trying to buy through amazon. We reserved a copy each of the books. The owner said it'll be available by March. Good thing too because i was not successfull in ordering them in amazon. Aparently, Philippines is not included in the countries they ship to. Well, i know i'll be able to find something that will ship here if i search enough. But why bother when i can buy it here without all the hassle? I guess internet transaction is not for me yet. The only thing i regret not getting is the comic book marvel 1602. I was trying to get it for Buboy sana. My husband is a big comic book fan and i'm proud of it.

I included the site of neil gaiman here in kurly links not only because Buboy loves his works and i'm eager to find out why:o) but also because i was amused when i read through his site. The guy is brilliant. I can't wait to get my copy of his books.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

trying online purchasing

I signed in for an amazon account yesterday. This is so that i can buy "good omens" by neil gaiman. I really want to read one of gaiman's work and my husband who's read six of his novels suggested i start with this particular book. However, neither national bookstore nor powerbooks have it. I am forced to try the internet! I guess i really need to change some along with the times:)

The most i was able to do yesterday was create an account and signed in. Well, i browsed to check if there's the item i want to buy. I wasn't able to put anything in my cart yet. I want to learn the system first before i commit my credit card number. I admit, i sounded cheap:)

At the end of this day, i expect to be able to place my order na. I'm starting to think of getting not just one book but three. Naku, i hope i won't be addicted to on-line purchasing:)


Monday, February 19, 2007

cried a good cry

My husband and i received a letter from a very good friend, Mec. We found it waiting for us in our bedroom when we arrived home very early Sunday morning (3:00am). We came from a wake and we stopped by the new mall at the back of serendra fort for a cup of coffee at CB&TL so it was already very late when we got home.

At first i thought it was just a "thank you for your sympathy" thing since Mec's nephew passed away last December and we went to the wake. Then i noticed the picture... it was a very pregnant tummy with 2 sets of hands holding it. I looked at my husband who already knew what it means, he looked back at me tenderly. And i just started to cry... and cry... and cry. And Buboy just held me tight. He knew it's what i needed--to cry. He kept telling me he loves me. And i wanted to tell him i love you too and thank you for sharing my pain, instead, i said i'm sorry.

Mec is pregnant. And though i'm happy for my friend because she's been wanting to have a baby also, i felt sorry for myself because we still don't have our own miracle. But i will always appreciate how Mec broke the news. How she gave me a good cry:) Well, Mec and i cried together many times in the past because we know that sometimes people need to cry out their pain to start healing.

I do pray that Mec and her baby will be healthy and that my friend enjoys her pregnancy and not forget to wear sexy clothes as her tummy grows:) i love you friend!

And i love you so much Buboy! You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And no matter what happens, i will always be happy and grateful that i have you beside me.


Friday, February 16, 2007

spiritual blessings

Just attended mass and with what happened to me this morning, i think it's just what i needed.

The priest said that during the lenten season (which will basically start next week, ash wednesday) God gives out a lot of blessings. And i started thinking about maybe God will finally allow me to win a lottery, or get a new job or better yet start a business, have a house and lot and a car (though the last two can wait). These are the things i've been dreaming about. These are the things i believe that would take care of all my problems. Hey, these are the things i need! the things everyone needs to enjoy life! Then the priest continued and said that God gives out not material blessings but spiritual blessings. And my spirit sank. Then i realized that's precisely the reason why i need God's spiritual blessings... especially now.

I used to be close to God, but then i started being busy and later on i'm just always tired... so tired that my prayers are becoming shorter every day--because i just got to have more sleep or more time to imagine what i want. I guess i need to slow down, look back and ask God to walk with me again.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

valentine dates

Yesterday was valentine's day. I wasn't expecting something from my husband because he doesn't believe in it. We never celebrated valentine's day, that is, until last night...

Unexpectedly, he took off from work at 6:00pm to pick me up from the office. This is unusual because he's been rendering overtime for 2 months now and he just can't leave work early. I was so ready to go home alone on a valentine's night when he called. Coming from Bulacan, he arrived in Makati 8:15pm already. He wanted to watch a movie, i said let's just eat. So we went to Fort Bonifacio and of course all the resto was full. Good thing ol' UCC, which is located far from the usual gimmick location at the Fort, is welcoming with just the usual load of people dining and having coffee. I know it's still not yet a valentine's date for my husband, just a night out with his misus, and it does not feel so much different from our usual dates. It's a bit disappointing because valentine's day has been sooo over-rated here in the Philippines that when I finally got to date on that day, I felt like: hey, i get this all the time... and we've had more romantic moments than this, much, much more:)

Well, my parents also went our last night. They double dated with our ninong and ninang sa kasal. These two couples had been going out almost every week! But I'm so glad that they are still enjoying each other, especially now that they're retired and they spend their days together alone in the house. I'm looking forward to retiring that way with my husband too:)


Monday, February 12, 2007


Last weekend Buboy and i watched two movies: Night at the Museum and Apocalypto. Both are very good films, though i would not recommend the latter to someone with weak stomach.

After the two movies we had coffee at CB&TL. It's the first time we tried it because we're usually at UCC. They serve very good mocha latte, yum.yum. We just stayed at the coffee shop, talking about things;) and basically just spending the night together. We got home 3:00am. The following day, we slept half of the day away and watch dvd and read.

It just felt sooo good to be dating my husband again. You see, since November last year, he has been too busy with work. He leaves the house 5:30am and leaves work between 9:00pm to 10:pm. He still works half day during Saturdays and with the last Christmas season, it takes him half the afternoon to arrive home. So weekend for us is basically catching up... for sleep:)

Anyway, we're planning a big get-away-from-work-and-stress thing this summer and i can't wait!


Friday, February 9, 2007


UST College of Science will have a reunion tomorrow and my college barkada and i will not be attending. Not that i mind, really, because i don't care much for reunions. I mean, i kept in touch with friends i really care about anyway. But we are all eager to visit our alma mater once again and i suggested doing it during the reunion so we can go inside the main building (our college building) and explore it's halls again. It's kinda hard to do that on an ordinary day kasi they won't let anyone in, kahit alumni. But then, most of us are not available so we decided to schedule another day to go back to UST.

I love UST and i'm proud to belong to the College of Science because it's kinda an elite college:) I had a lot of good memories of UST and had found a lot of very good friends there. I'm looking forward to visiting my alma mater with my friends again. Hopefully it'll be soon:)


Monday, February 5, 2007

one kurl at a time

Starting a new blog here. I hope to be able to actively involve my husband. Anyway, unlike the first blog, this won't have a specific focus. It'll just be thoughts as they crossed our minds.
