Thursday, March 13, 2008

i'm back

I haven’t written anything here in a long while. I bet the few friends who read this blog is thinking I’ve stopped writing. Well, a bit I guess since I get to spend time with Buboy and then I went back to working fulltime. But there are actually a lot of things I should be writing about because Buboy and I had a really wonderful vacation. I’ll try and write about that really SOON. Right now, I’ll just try to get back…

Anyway, we heard over the radio this morning that the Vatican released a NEW set of Seven Deadly Sins. Yes, they can do that and I don’t mind really. I just noticed that unlike the original list, the new one is more specific. This makes me wonder, have we really become insensitive and indifferent that the church has to spell it out for us?

Oh well, so much for my first entry this year. I promise myself to write at least a couple of times a week from now on.


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